- get() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Received.Success
- Get d.
- getActionBar() - function in android.app.Activity
- getActivityResultRegistry() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getAgeOverDocRequest(int,boolean) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.IsoDocRequests
- Gets age over doc request.
- getApplication() - function in android.app.Activity
- getApplicationContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getApplicationInfo() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getAssets() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
- getAttributionSource() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getAttributionTag() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getBaseContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getCallingActivity() - function in android.app.Activity
- getCallingPackage() - function in android.app.Activity
- getCause() - function in java.lang.Throwable
- getCertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets certificate.
- getCertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets certificate.
- getCertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.VerifierResult
- Gets certificate.
- getChangingConfigurations() - function in android.app.Activity
- getChannelNumber() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.WIFIAware
- Gets channel number.
- getCipherSuiteId() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.Security
- Gets cipher suite id.
- getClassLoader() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getClientCentralUUID() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.BLE
- Gets client central uuid.
- getCodeCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getColor(int) - function in android.content.Context
- getColorStateList(int) - function in android.content.Context
- getComponentName() - function in android.app.Activity
- getConfig() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferManager
- Gets config.
- getConnectionTimeout() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.server.WebAPITransfer
- Gets connection timeout.
- getContactInfoDocRequest(boolean) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.IsoDocRequests
- Gets contact info doc request.
- getContentResolver() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getContentScene() - function in android.app.Activity
- getContentTransitionManager() - function in android.app.Activity
- getCurrentFocus() - function in android.app.Activity
- getData() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionData
- Get data byte [ ].
- getDatabasePath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDataDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDecodedElementValue() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Gets decoded element value.
- getDecodedNameSpaces() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DeviceSigned
- Gets decoded name spaces.
- getDefaultViewModelCreationExtras() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getDelegate() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getDeviceAuth() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DeviceSigned
- Gets device auth.
- getDeviceEngagement() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.RequestBuilder
- Gets device engagement.
- getDeviceEngagement() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.EngagementReceived
- Gets device engagement.
- getDeviceEngagement() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferNotSupportedException
- Gets device engagement.
- getDeviceEngagement() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets device engagement.
- getDeviceEngagementBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionTranscript
- Get device engagement bytes byte [ ].
- getDeviceMac() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DeviceAuth
- Get device mac byte [ ].
- getDeviceRequestBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.Request
- Get device request bytes byte [ ].
- getDeviceRetrievalMethods() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Gets device retrieval methods.
- getDeviceSignature() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DeviceAuth
- Get device signature byte [ ].
- getDeviceSigned() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.Document
- Gets device signed.
- getDigestID() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Gets digest id.
- getDir(java.lang.String,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDisplay() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDocRequestForIsoDocType(java.util.Map) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.IsoDocRequests
- Gets doc request for iso doc type.
- getDocRequests() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.RequestBuilder
- Gets doc requests.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.Document
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DocumentError
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.DocumentError
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.JWTClaimSet
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets doc type.
- getDocType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.VerifierResult
- Gets doc type.
- getDocumentErrors() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse
- Gets document errors.
- getDocumentErrors() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse
- Gets document errors.
- getDocuments() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse
- Gets documents.
- getDocuments() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse
- Gets documents.
- getDrawable(int) - function in android.content.Context
- getDrawerToggleDelegate() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getElementIdentifier() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Gets element identifier.
- getElementValue() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Get element value byte [ ].
- getEphemeralKeys() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets ephemeral keys.
- getEphemeralPublicKey() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.Security
- Get ephemeral public key byte [ ].
- getEReaderKeyBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionTranscript
- Get e reader key bytes byte [ ].
- getErrorCode() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DocumentError
- Gets error code.
- getErrorCode() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.DocumentError
- Gets error code.
- getErrorMessageOrTypeName() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Failure
- Gets error message or type name.
- getErrorMessageOrTypeName() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Received.Failure
- Gets error message or type name.
- getErrors() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.Document
- Gets errors.
- getErrors() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.JWTClaimSet
- Gets errors.
- getExp() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets exp.
- getExternalCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalCacheDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalFilesDirs(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalMediaDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExtraData(java.lang.Class) - function in androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity
- getFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getFileStreamPath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getFragmentManager() - function in android.app.Activity
- getHandover() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.EngagementReceived
- Gets handover.
- getHandover() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets handover.
- getHandover() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionTranscript
- Gets handover.
- getIACACertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets iaca certificate.
- getIACACertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets iaca certificate.
- getIACACertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.VerifierResult
- Gets iaca certificate.
- getIat() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets iat.
- getIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
- getIssuerAuth() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSigned
- Get issuer auth byte [ ].
- getIssuerSigned() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.Document
- Gets issuer signed.
- getJWT() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.ServerVerifierResult
- Gets jwt.
- getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getLastNonConfigurationInstance() - function in android.app.Activity
- getLayoutInflater() - function in android.app.Activity
- getLifecycle() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getLoaderManager() - function in android.app.Activity
- getLocalClassName() - function in android.app.Activity
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
- getMainExecutor() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getMainLooper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getMaxLengthCommand() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.NFC
- Gets max length command.
- getMaxLengthResponse() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.NFC
- Gets max length response.
- getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions() - function in android.app.Activity
- getMediaController() - function in android.app.Activity
- getMenuInflater() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Failure
- Gets message.
- getMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Received.Failure
- Gets message.
- getMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.SDKException
- getMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.SDKException
- getMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.VerifierSDKStatus
- Gets Status message.
- getMessage() - function in java.lang.Throwable
- getMessageOrDefault(java.lang.String) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Failure
- Gets message or default.
- getMessageOrDefault(java.lang.String) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Received.Failure
- Gets message or default.
- getMSOElements() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets mso elements.
- getMSOValidity() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets mso validity.
- getNameSpaces() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.DeviceSigned
- Get name spaces byte [ ].
- getNameSpaces() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSigned
- Gets name spaces.
- getNameSpaces() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.JWTClaimSet
- Gets name spaces.
- getNoBackupFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getObbDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getObbDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getOnBackInvokedDispatcher() - function in android.app.Activity
- getOnBackPressedDispatcher() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getOpenIdConnect() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods
- Gets open id connect.
- getOperationClass() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.WIFIAware
- Gets operation class.
- getOpPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageCodePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageManager() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageResourcePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getParams() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getParent() - function in android.app.Activity
- getParentActivityIntent() - function in android.app.Activity
- getPassword() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.WIFIAware
- Gets password.
- getPeripheralDeviceAddress() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.BLE
- Get peripheral device address byte [ ].
- getPeripheralServerUUID() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.BLE
- Gets peripheral server uuid.
- getPreferences(int) - function in android.app.Activity
- getRandom() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Get random byte [ ].
- getRawBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse
- Get raw bytes byte [ ].
- getRawBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse.IssuerSignedItem
- Get raw bytes byte [ ].
- getRawBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.Response
- Get raw bytes byte [ ].
- getRawBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse
- Get raw bytes byte [ ].
- getRawBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Get raw bytes byte [ ].
- getRawJwt() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse.JWTClaimSet
- Gets raw jwt.
- getReaderAuthCertificate() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets reader auth certificate.
- getReaderAuthPrivateKey() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets reader auth private key.
- getReadTimeout() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.server.WebAPITransfer
- Gets read timeout.
- getReceivedBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferReceived
- Get received bytes byte [ ].
- getReferrer() - function in android.app.Activity
- getRequestedOrientation() - function in android.app.Activity
- getRequestMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.Handover.NFC
- Get request message byte [ ].
- getResources() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getRfuAndApplicationSpecific() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Gets rfu and application specific information as a list of strings.
- getRootCertificates(android.content.Context) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.Verifier
- Gets root certificates.
- getRootCertificates(android.content.Context) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.Verifier
- Gets root certificates.
- getSavedStateRegistry() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getSearchEvent() - function in android.app.Activity
- getSecurity() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Gets security.
- getSelectMessage() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.Handover.NFC
- Get select message byte [ ].
- getServerRequestBytes() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.Request
- Get server request bytes byte [ ].
- getServerRetrievalMethods() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Gets server retrieval methods.
- getSessionManager() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.RequestBuilder
- Gets session manager.
- getSessionManager() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferManager
- Gets session manager.
- getSessionTranscript() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets session transcript.
- getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getSplashScreen() - function in android.app.Activity
- getStackTrace() - function in java.lang.Throwable
- getStatus() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.VerifierSDK
- Returns the current SDK status.
- getStatus() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse
- Gets status.
- getStatus() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionData
- Gets status.
- getString(int) - function in android.content.Context
- getSupportActionBar() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getSupportedBands() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod.WIFIAware
- Get supported bands byte [ ].
- getSupportFragmentManager() - function in androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity
- getSupportLoaderManager() - function in androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity
- getSupportParentActivityIntent() - function in androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
- getSuppressed() - function in java.lang.Throwable
- getSynchronousResult(android.content.Context,I) - function in androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContract
- getSystemService(java.lang.String) - function in android.app.Activity
- getSystemService(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.Context
- getSystemServiceName(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getTaskId() - function in android.app.Activity
- getText(int) - function in android.content.Context
- getTheme() - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
- getTitle() - function in android.app.Activity
- getTitleColor() - function in android.app.Activity
- getToken() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.OpenIdConnect
- Gets token.
- getToken() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.WebAPI
- Gets token.
- getTransfers() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferManager.Config
- Gets transfers.
- getTransferType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.retrieval.TransferReceived
- Gets transfer type.
- getType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.Received.Failure
- Gets type.
- getType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod
- Gets type.
- getType() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod
- Gets type.
- getUnauthorizedElements() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.verify.DeviceVerifierResult
- Gets unauthorized elements.
- getUrl() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.OpenIdConnect
- Gets url.
- getUrl() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.WebAPI
- Gets url.
- getValue() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionData.Status
- Gets value.
- getVerifier(java.util.Collection) - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.session.SessionManager
- Gets verifier.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.DeviceResponse
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.data.ServerResponse
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.DeviceRetrievalMethod
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.OpenIdConnect
- Gets version.
- getVersion() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods.WebAPI
- Gets version.
- getViewModelStore() - function in androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
- getVoiceInteractor() - function in android.app.Activity
- getVolumeControlStream() - function in android.app.Activity
- getWallpaper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getWebAPI() - function in com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement.DeviceEngagement.ServerRetrievalMethods
- Gets web api.
- getWindow() - function in android.app.Activity
- getWindowManager() - function in android.app.Activity
- grantUriPermission(java.lang.String,android.net.Uri,int) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper