Package com.scytales.mvalid.sdk.engagement
See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description RetrievalMethod The interface Retrieval method. DeviceEngagementCallback The interface implemented when DeviceEngagement is needed. DeviceEngagementCapable The interface Device engagement capable. DeviceEngagementDependent The interface Device engagement dependent. DeviceEngagementSuspendable Implementing this interface allows the object to suspend and resume the device engagement process. -
Class Summary Class Description Security The type Security. NFC The type Nfc. BLE The type Ble. WIFIAware The type Wifi aware. DeviceRetrievalMethod The type Device retrieval method. WebAPI The type Web api. OpenIdConnect The type Open id connect. ServerRetrievalMethods The type Server retrieval methods. DeviceEngagement Presentation class for Device Engagement. DeviceEngagementUtils The type Device engagement utils. EngagementReceived The type Engagement received. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Type The enum Type.